Key and Remote Programming

After you receive your brand new key or remote, they will need to programmed to your vehicle before they work.  You can program some remotes yourself, and some will need to be taken to a professional automotive locksmith or dealership to be programmed.

You can see if your product is self-programmable by searching your make, model and year using our website, or by checking your vehicles owner's manual, or you can send us an email at with your make, model, year and trim and we'll let you know.  Key blades will always need to be cut by a professional before you can program them.

Most keys and remotes will need a professional to program them.  We recommend your local automotive locksmith, but you can also take it to a dealership.  It won't need to be the same dealership from where you purchased the vehicle.  Prices for programming can vary between $40.00 and $100.00, so make sure you call a few professionals to find the best price!